It’s good to have a baseball bat...| Cyber Security | Kyocera Annodata

It’s good to have a baseball bat…

It’s good to have a baseball bat… …but I would rather the thief was not in my home. Andrew Smith – Chief Information Security Officer – Kyocera Document Solutions UK Ok, let me level with you, if I had a baseball bat I am not sure I would have the courage to use it should…

Kyocera Cyber thwarts another phishing campaign

Kyocera Cyber thwarts another phishing campaign 2024 – Kyocera Cyber thwarts another elaborate phishing campaign. In March Kyocera’s cybersecurity team assisted a customer targeted with yet another well organised phishing attack. We’ve all heard about phishing attempts where an employee receives an email purportedly from the CEO, asking for the transfer of a large sum of money to an unknown…

Cyber security threats set to accelerate

Cyber security threats set to accelerate According to recent research, cyber-attacks in the UK have risen for the third consecutive year. Of the UK companies surveyed, 48% experienced at least one cyberattack in the past year. 18% were hit by ransomware, of which 61% paid to recover their data. The research also reveals that, internationally,…