Document Solutions Managed Service Levels
Peace of mind, whichever level you chose
Implement. Optimise. Enhance
Kyocera Managed Service Levels are designed to enhance your business operations.
We ensure that the solutions chosen by our customers are implemented and maintained successfully; that they remain optimised and continue to deliver the value you expect.
Service Levels
Service description
Our SELECT Service offers a fundamental level of support. Kyocera will collaborate with you, the customer, to optimise license usage and address licensing questions.
Kyocera SELECT goes beyond the vendor’s standard provision, delivering incident support tailored to your specific configurations and implementations.
Reactive support is provided under a Fair Use policy, which is determined by the customer’s licensed device volume. In the event that the effort regularly exceeds the estimated monthly volume, Kyocera will investigate root causes and work with the customer on potential solutions or service improvement strategies.
Kyocera will ensure that as patches and upgrades are made available from respective solution providers, these are communicated and are made accessible to the customer organisation.
Email & portal support
Support is made available via Email or via the Kyocera Support web portal.
License support
Covers both Perpetual* or Subscription* licensing.
Software assurance
Software Assurance enables an organisation to access vulnerability patches and updates from the solution vendors.
Access to upgrade notifications
Kyocera will provide notification of vulnerability patches and updates from the solution vendors.
Incident management
Kyocera will take-on and own all incidents related to the implemented solution.
Select for SaaS
SaaS: MyQ Roger, Papercut Hive, KCPS
Service Description
For organisations embracing a pay-as-you-go “Software as a Service” (SaaS) model, our subscription service is tied to the number of licenses.
It encompasses the customer’s entire platform, including the ‘software assurance’ detailed in SELECT.
In addition to ensuring the maintenance and availability of the SaaS platform, Kyocera will offer support for issue logging, tracking, and escalation on a Fair Use Policy, consistent with the SELECT service.
Additionally, as part of the service, Kyocera will allocate a monthly quota of service requests for Moves, Additions and Changes (MACs), covering administrative tasks prompted by customer service requests.
Service reporting, based on notifications, will provide information on service availability and uptime metrics.
Ticket handling and escalation is based on our Fair Use Policy – this is provided at a rate of one incident per month for every 10 devices.
SELECT for SaaS support is for subscription licensing only.
Kyocera will provide reporting on Service Uptime, Service Requests, Moves, Adds and Changes report volume and platform availability.
Service description
The COMPLETE service level builds and enhances the SELECT level by adding proactive elements.
Kyocera will deploy Security Updates on their release, with further revision updates applied every quarter. These regularly combine multiple patches.
There will be one major software version upgrade applied per year to maintain software integrity and enable future patch releases.
The software version will be kept to most recently released and generally available Major Release levels, throughout the service period.
Additional upgrade releases will be made available by Kyocera.
With management support included, ‘COMPLETE’ also provides service reporting, offering customer service performance and SLAs metrics.
Telephone, email & portal support
Support is made available via Telephone, Email or our Kyocera Support web portal.
License support
Covers both Perpetual* or Subscription* licensing.
Software assurance
Software Assurance enables an organisation to access vulnerability patches and updates from the solution vendors.
Upgrades and Update Patching
Kyocera will undertake Application Version Updates at a rate of one release per annum.
Kyocera will apply updates and patches at a rate of one batch per quarter.
The exception to this is a vendor emergency patch to resolve an exploitable vulnerability, which Kyocera will apply as soon as possible on release.
All patches and updates will be manged and scheduled through agreed change policy process.
Incident management
Kyocera will take-on and own all incidents related to the implemented solution.
Service reporting
Kyocera will provide service reporting, plus proactive maintenance tasks.
- Devices-Site Visits as necessary to ensure SLAs
- #Repeat Visits as required to maintain the solutions and services
- Volume Toner for applicable services
- Billing per device or per period across the service term
Complete with Operating System
Software, vendor escalation and pro-active service. OS Layer and above – all options of complete with –
Service Description
This service is ideal for organisations who provide their own infrastructure but still prefer a comprehensive end-to-end Document Solutions Service.
Kyocera will provide all the elements of the COMPLETE Service option, plus maintain the underlying system through direct monitoring of the customer’s application and Operating System (OS).
Kyocera will provide endpoint security using Kyocera’s Managed Endpoint Detection and Response (M-EDR) service.
Identification of issues through monitoring or notification with remediation, where the root cause is identified as being either operating system or application.
The Operating System will be patched in accordance with Kyocera’s Patching schedule, as per the application level patching described within the Complete Service.
Full recovery backups are a service pre-requisite and can be completed by the customer organisation, with Kyocera verification, or can be completed Kyocera where contract terms specify.
Reporting provided as part of the COMPLETE service is enhanced with Operating System health check reporting and incident volume data.
Service Infrastructure
In addition to the COMPLETE offering:
- Maintenance of print server(s) environment and components, excluding the hardware.
- Monitoring of print server(s) environment and components, excluding the hardware.
- Proactive repair and maintenance – OS Patching only – Excluding physical firmware updates and virtualisation patches.
- Backup.
Kyocera Managed Endpoint Detection and Response (M-EDR) – A fully managed cyber security service, providing protection against cyber threats.
- Devices-Site Visits as necessary to ensure SLAs
- #Repeat Visits as required to maintain the solutions and services
- Volume Toner for applicable services
- Billing per device or per period across the service term
- Operating system health check completed through remote access.
Complete with Infrastructure
Software, vendor escalation and pro-active service
– all options of complete with –
Service Description
This service level expands on the services provided by the COMPLETE with OS service. Designed for organisations that require Kyocera to provide the underlying infrastructure as well as the Operating System that hosts the application – either with a physical installation or a cloud deployment.
The inclusion of the physical or virtualised system infrastructure, connectivity to the system, the operating system, and the application will be provided on top of all the elements of Kyocera’s COMPLETE and COMPLETE with OS service.
The systems are fully backed-up at a system level with full recovery and Disaster Recovery capabilities.
Reporting is enhanced with the inclusion of system uptime reporting.
In addition to the COMPLETE and COMPLETE with OS offering:
- Inclusive Reactive Support
Service Infrastructure
In addition to the COMPLETE and COMPLETE with OS offering:
- Maintenance of print server(s) and components
- Monitoring of print server(s) and components
- Proactive repair and maintenance
In addition to the COMPLETE and COMPLETE with OS offering:
- Service reporting – Infrastructure Health and uptime
Service Availability
Support for each service level is provided by Kyocera’s UK based Service Desk.
The service desk is delivered by our experienced and accredited internal resource and available up to 24/7 depending on our customer’s preferred service level.
Document Solutions Managed Service
Document Solutions enable organisations to benefit from improved levels of centralised management and control of their print and document environment.
- The ability to manage and control the end-user document workflow and print experience has been a standard service practice for a long time.
- Follow me™ and Find me™ solutions add device flexibility allowing greater levels of management and reporting to deliver genuine cost benefits and business improvements.
- Scan and capture at the device simplify workflow through centralised control and management and can be specifically tailored to organisational and end-user requirements.
- Reduce overall print costs.
- Control output behaviour through rules and policies.
- Streamline workflow efficiency.
- Provide confidentiality.
- Secure documents.
Kyocera Document Solutions Managed Service ensures our solutions are implemented and maintained successfully, remain optimised and continue to deliver value.
Managed Services
We provide a range of fully managed services so your organisation can concentrate on what it does best.
*Licence support
Perpetual Licensing:
Ownership: With perpetual licensing, you buy a license to use software indefinitely.
Subscription Licensing:
Usage Period: Pay a recurring fee (monthly or annually) to use the software.
In summary, with perpetual licenses you own the software, while with subscription licenses you are renting it.
Perpetual & Subscription Software assurance
Software assurance serves as a safeguard to uphold the software’s integrity, ensuring it remains secure and free from vulnerabilities throughout its lifecycle.
When considering Perpetual Licensing software assurance is provided with additional cost, which may themselves be applied on a subscription basis.
For Subscription Licenses, software assurance aligns with the license term or, in the case of Software as a Service, is inherently part of the license subscription.